Saturday, 25 January 2014


Agonizing over decisions is a common concern of my friends and clients alike. We all hear those interior voices questioning, “Could I?” “When should I?” “How do I?” “What if?” “But if I do…”
The reservations are endless.
Some of us labor when faced with a choice; others make snap decisions without careful consideration. But making good decisions confidently doesn’t need to be problematic, and it doesn’t need create anguish and angst in your life.
You CAN make decisions while still weighing options without getting overwhelmed and stuck. My 8 tips for making decisions will help get rid of those indecision hurdles and on your way to making good decisions faster than ever.

Mentally Flip Through Possibilities Consider the possibilities, run through them in your mind as you make decisions. The one that feels right to you will pop out. Trust that instinct.

 Know where you are going
If you don't know the end game, you can't properly plan. Making decisions is about getting to a destination, so  know with certainty what that is.

 Many hands make light work
Ask for advice from friends and family that you trust. This doesn't mean you need to follow their advice, but you never know what insight other sources might bring to your decision making.

Trust yourself
That's not a self-help affirmation; it's a recognition that you can go down a lot of rabbit holes. Deal with that reality by knowing that your knowledge base is going to propel you forward in the right direction.

 Make decisions while calm
STAY CALM AND MAKE DECISIONS.  Heh. But seriously, don't make big decisions if you're in a stressed out state; you'll tend to either make choices that are too safe or too risky. I want you to make choices that are just right.

Maybe your path is a trail
Be a trailblazer! When you make decisions, don't waste a brainwave thinking you need to follow the pack. YOU lead the back!

Be like Spock
Your emotions serve you well. Usually. But not when you need to make important decisions. During these times, you really need to uncouple your emotional responses from your decision-making process.
 Seek authority
Sometimes what you need is neutral advice from experts in your industry. If you don't have a mentor in your field, consider hiring a consulting firm or seek out another.

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