Monday, 26 August 2013

Coffee is a Real Drug that can make you smarter!

Researches about coffee are starting to get confusing and almost mythical. Some researches support the idea that it is an addictive substance that can mess with your heart, and others point out how healthy coffee can be. And to cut these arguments short; we will point out all the benefits and myths about coffee; to help you make a valid conclusion about your daily coffee addiction:

Believe it or not...Coffee is a Real Drug.

Whether you accept it or not coffee is considered to be what we can say a "Legitimate" Drug. Coffee contains caffeine, and Caffeine is a kind of chemical that interferes with your brain and body chemistry. Nausea, nervousness or jitters, muscle trembling are just some of symptoms associated with Caffeine intake. So you should not drink coffee if you are above 20...Just kidding.

Does coffee reduce the risk of having Cancer?

According to medical journals Yes, Coffee can lower the risk of certain kinds of cancers like pharyngeal and oral. However, coffee cannot reduce or has no real effect on other cancer types like Breast and ovarian.

Coffee makes you SMARTER:

Caffeine blocks the effects of an inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine. By blocking "Adenosine", the neuronal firing in your brain increases. So your brain starts working in a much better way. So drink a cup of “magical “coffee before your exams and start getting those A’s you wanted.

Coffee can help you burn Fats:

Yes, don't stare at me. Coffee raises metabolism and increases the oxidation of fatty acids so it can help you burn fats much easier and in a short period of time. But of course do not drink it excessively; thinking you may shed pounds that way.

Coffee is a magical pain killer:

Coffee contains caffeine which is considered to be a kind of pain killer; since many of pain killers include “caffeine”. Plus coffee can help your stomach absorb medication faster. It is preferred to take your medicine after your morning cup of coffee.

Heart problems and Coffee... Don’t Mix:

No, coffee can't prevent risk of heart problems. Just for a simple reason; coffee contains caffeine which pumps up your heartbeats and increases muscle tension. So don’t believe this myth and don't rely on it. Just visit your doctor and stop drinking gallons of coffee every day.

Turkish coffee is a Curse!

Thinking of quitting coffee and going cold turkey on it? Then be prepared to face hell. Quitting coffee suddenly is much more difficult than quitting smoking. Common side effects of sudden coffee withdrawal include dizziness, anxiety, headaches, irritability, migraines, and possible fights with loved ones for no apparent reason. The best way to quit coffee is gradually. Go from 5 cups to 4 cups, then 2 cups, till you reach a cup of coffee per day.

Coffee can cure headaches:

Coffee is a natural headache cure; however if you have high blood pressure then you must consult your doctor before excessively consuming coffee.

All we can say is that "Coffee" is a magical drug, thank God for having it.


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